The General Terms and Conditions of Hire Agreement
When You make your online booking You are agreeing to these general booking Terms & Conditions as a condition of hire.
Definition of terms
You/Your/I/They, the Hirer, the person making the booking
Party, all the riders and participants in the booking You have made
We/Us/Our, the Hiree, are Jaunt-ebikes
All equipment, includes all items listed on your online or pre-printed booking form
Suppliers, third party businesses who supply Our experience extras including wine tours and tastings, brewery safaris and beer tastings, kayaking, brunch and kayaking.
Bookings and Cancellations
When making a booking, You are confirming that all Your cycling Party are competent cyclists and proficient enough to cycle on public roads and highways. You recognise You/They will be riding cycles which You/They may not be familiar with and as such will exercise additional care and attention. Jaunt-ebikes lends bikes on the understanding that every Party rider can use equipment properly.
Take care when booking to ensure You book all the correct equipment for Your Party’s needs as equipment and competency mistakes cannot be guaranteed to be rectified on the day of hire and refunds will not apply. Always check with Us what equipment or competency level is needed if You are not sure.
Cancellation by You:
Bike and luggage rental: If You cancel within 24 hours of your booking date we will give you a voucher for the full amount of your bike and luggage rental to come again another time (up to 6 months). Cancellations within 24 hours unfortunately won't qualify for a refund or voucher.
Experience extras, such as ‘wine tours, beer safaris, kayaking and picnics’ are provided by our trusted third party Suppliers who do not offer cancellation refunds for their part of your booking under any circumstances.
Cancellation by Us,:
Bike and luggage rental: We retain the right to cancel Your booking due to serious weather safety concerns. We will always offer You a choice of an alternative booking date or a full refund.
Picnics, Brunch, Beer and Wine Tours and kayaking are provided by third party Suppliers. Jaunt-ebikes reserve the right to cancel this part of Your experience if the supplier cancels for any reason. An alternative date or full refund will be offered to You in these circumstances.
Before hire, two items of ID are required per Party (can include the credit card and a photo ID such as a driver’s licence or passport) before bikes will be released
Credit Card details are held for the duration of the hire and Jaunt-E Bikes reserves the right to additionally charge Your credit card should a bike or equipment be lost without satisfactory locking or returned late or in a damaged or unreasonable condition.
You accept liability for any prosecution or claim arising from Your and Your Party’s actions during the period of hire.
All bikes and all equipment remain the property of Jaunt-E Bikes. By signing this agreement, You consent to Jaunt-E Bikes charging the cost of any loss or damage to Your credit or debit card.
You, as the Hirer, understand that You are responsible for all equipment relating to this hire agreement which will be listed on Your online web order or pre-printed hire form, available when You collect your bikes. You confirm that You will be responsible for the payment of any damage (including third party) caused as a consequence of any dangerous cycling, loss of control, negligence or loss of equipment if the cycles are not locked to a fixed object through the frame. Proof of lock breakage is required for any insurance claim.
Your Safety
You acknowledge that taking part in cycling activities involves certain inherent risks that might result in injury or loss to You, Your Party or others. You acknowledge that you and all members of your Party must attend a mandatory safety briefing and instruction as to the safe operation of the hired bikes and take a test ride to ensure that the bicycle(s) is(are) a comfortable and safe fit, and everyone is capable of riding it. You acknowledge that You and your Party are competent cyclists to hire our bikes and equipment. The bikes and equipment have been supplied in a safe working condition and helmets have been provided. Therefore, you accept sole responsibility for Your own safety and the safety of others in your Party. You undertake to ensure sure that all of your Party understand these conditions of hire before arrival.
The person making the booking (You) must be age over 18, e-bike riders must all be age 14+. Riders aged 14 to 17 may be permitted by on the understanding that they must be with a responsible adult at all times and MUST wear a helmet. We reserve the right to refuse a bike to anyone who we deem not safe to ride it.
Helmets are included in the price of hire, and although not a legal requirement, it is a condition of hire that Your whole Party use them. Helmets are mandatory for riders. If you wish to refuse this service, you will be refused hire without refund. You acknowledge that We strongly recommend the use of safety helmets throughout the hire period and You assume full responsibility for any accident, injury or death which should occur as a result of not wearing them.
You fully indemnify Jaunt-ebikes against claims of injury to Yourself, Your Group or any third party unless it can be proven that Jaunt-ebikes did not fulfil reasonable maintenance procedures for the equipment being used.
You acknowledge that safe cycling is dependent on alertness and good judgement. You and your Party will not cycle under the undue influence of alcohol or drugs. You will cycle sensibly, with respect for others and the natural habitat. You are expected to follow the Highway Code and New Forest Cycling Code.
Cycling can be dangerous and has risks involved. You declare yourself and Your Party to be in good health and not be suffering from any medical condition or disability which is likely to adversely affect normal control of the equipment.
Bike usage and care
Locks are provided. You and Your Party will always lock a bike when away from it. If You or Your Party leave a bike unattended, You will lock it through the frame to a secure and fixed object, using the lock provided. If You do not lock the bike and it is stolen You will be fully liable.
You confirm that You will be responsible for the payment of any damage (including third party) caused as a consequence of my dangerous cycling, loss of control or negligence by You or any member of Your Party.
You and Your Party will keep to paved roads and dedicated off-road cycle-paths or bridleways and will not use the bike for 'adventure mountain bike' type riding.
You and Your Party will not ride E-bikes through deep water. Submerging the motor is strictly prohibited and damage caused to the bike will be Your financial liability.
You and Your Party will use the bike and equipment in a responsible, safe way, keeping to the rules of the road. You will not engage in racing, pace-making, time trials or speed testing.
You and Your Party will not lend a bike or equipment to anyone.
You are responsible for bringing the bike(s) and equipment back by the time agreed and the late return will be charged to You at £10 per bike per hour. More than 12 hours and the bike or equipment will be assumed stolen and the police informed.
You agree that You and Your Party will not undertake any manoeuvres which are beyond Your level of skill or beyond the design purposes of the equipment provided.
You agree that You and Your party will not ride on pavements or footpaths and keep to the Official Cycle Network within the National Park. A £500 fine may be levied against You by officers of the Forestry Commission for damage caused to land or livestock off the permitted cycle network. Please note the whole of the New Forest has SSSI status.
You understand that in the event of a mechanical failure other than punctures, Jaunt-ebikes will offer a breakdown service for the cycle but not the individual (due to insurance constraints) between the hours of 10am and 4pm.
You confirm You will be responsible for surcharge payments if equipment is lost: lost keys will be charged at £50 per set. Lost locks will be charged at £85 and lost helmets £40.
You confirm You will be responsible for a surcharge payment if the bikes or equipment are returned in an excessively dirty state.
You must report any problems or damage on return to the Jaunt-E Bikes representative.
You understand that in the event of mechanical failure, refunds are only given per bike (not Party) and only if We could not restore the journey or allow extra time to complete the ride. Refunds CANNOT BE GIVEN for punctured tyres or damage caused to gears as a result of incorrect use. You accept responsibility for bike damage caused by incorrect use of equipment and that the nature of any off-road cycling makes this a possibility.
This Agreement is covered by English Law. In the event that any part of the Agreement is for any reason unenforceable the remainder shall remain in full force and effect.