Event bike hire for Questar's in Purbeck, Dorset as part of their Summer Series
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The Small Print
1. I confirm that everyone in my group renting bikes is a competent cyclist and understand that we will mostly be cycling off road on trails with some lumps & bumps which aren’t going to be as silky smooth as rolled tarmac.
2. I recognise that we will be riding bikes which we may not be familiar with and, as such, will exercise care and attention. NB. Brake lever position is the opposite way round in the UK than many countries.
3. I will ask for safety advice from Cyclexperience staff if necessary and confirm that everyone in my group... a) can ride a bike! b) understands the UK Highway Code c) can use gears and brakes correctly d) is over 14yrs if renting an E-Bike, and e) will respect the natural habitat, ponies and other wildlife (including local residents!).
4. I declare that at least one person knows how to adjust & secure saddle height and fix a puncture or fit a tube.
5. I will be responsible for the payment of any damage (including third party) caused as a consequence of any dangerous cycling, loss of control, general silliness or the loss of equipment if any equipment is left unattended whilst in my care (ask about our choice of locks to limit liability). I will arrange separate insurance if I plan to leave bikes unattended (eg beyond my line of sight).
6. I understand a charge may be levied against excessively dirty bikes as an obvious result of cycling off the waymarked trails which could threaten wildlife (e.g. heathland, mires, bogs, rivers etc) or our cleaning staff (e.g. animal faeces). We expect our customers to follow the local countryside code to ensure others can benefit from continued cycling access in this area. We recommend using our App which will ensure you keep to the permitted cycle routes.
7. I am aware that a credit card deposit will be levied on Electric Bikes, multi-day hires or cash payments and that I should bring valid Photo ID as proof or identity (eg. you & your current address). This deposit may be used for payment of any surcharge and I understand further costs may be incurred if the loss is greater than the value of the deposit.
8. I understand that we need to tell you at the start of the rental period if we are not happy with any of our rented equipment and that if we encounter a problem whilst on a ride we will call you from a mobile phone to report the fault. I accept that a refund will only be issued on the bike affected if it’s not due to rider error and only if you could not restore our journey within 1 hour or allow us extra time to complete the journey or help bring us back to base (we can transport 1 person + 5 bikes in our van).
9. I understand that we need to bring bikes back by 5:30pm and that if, for any reason, we are delayed or wish to return them by 9:00am the following day then we will call or email before the shop closes, not midnight or later.
10. Cycling can be dangerous and has risks involved. I declare that everyone in my group is in good health and not suffering from any medical condition which is likely to adversely affect the normal control of the bicycle.
11. I understand that Cyclexperience offers safety helmets without charge and recommends helmets to be worn by all riders. Everyone in the group will wear appropriate clothing and understand it could get muddy, oily or ripped!
12. Cyclexperience cannot be held liable for any injuries sustained by adults or children in the group as a consequence of not wearing a safety helmet and understand that Cyclexperience strongly recommends all persons under 16 wear a helmet.
13. I will ensure that a) none of my group will ride illegally (eg contravening Highway Regulations, cycling under the influence of drink or drugs etc) or undertake any manoeuvres which are beyond the level of rider’s skill or the design purposes of the bike being ridden c) will not cycle after dark without lights (available for a small fee) or d) cycle on a footpath.
The even smaller print... I fully indemnify Cyclexperience against claims of injury to myself or any third party unless it can be proven that Cyclexperience did not fulfil reasonable maintenance procedures for the equipment being used the Terms and
Conditions are covered by English Law. In the event that any of the conditions listed above are unenforceable then the remainder shall still remain in full force and effect. Cyclexperience reserves the right to refuse any person and the Duty Manager may request a damage deposit from any groups renting more than 5 bikes. If you have any queries about these conditions, or are not happy with a resolution to a particular problem, please ask for the Duty manager or email enquiries@cyclex.co.uk.
Otherwise, we hope you have a great day out! Please email hire@cyclex.co.uk with any queries