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1 - The Customer recognizes the perfect state of operation and maintenance of the vehicle and
assumes the obligation to return it under the same conditions.
2 - The Customer confirms that he is aware of the fact that it is not possible to stipulate Kasko-
type insurance for rental cycles. It therefore assumes the obligation to support and in any case
reimburse all the expenses necessary for the restoration of the bicycle, assuming that at the time
of redelivery of the same it would be damaged. It also undertakes to reimburse any other
expenses related to the recovery and the necessary downtime for repairs.
3 - The Customer confirms that he is aware of the fact that the bicycles are insured with an RC policy, which provides for coverage of damages to the driver and third parties in the event of an accident due to breakage or structural failure of the bicycle or its components. The Customer assumes all responsibility related to the circulation of the bicycle, therefore it assumes the burden of paying any damage that it produced to third parties due to accidents caused during the negligent and / or imprudent use of the vehicle, is also responsible for damage caused by him and / or by third parties authorized to drive from the same, to third parties, to things and to the vehicle itself.
4 - In case of theſt or fire of the bicycle during use by the Customer, the same assumes the
obligation to compensate the 70% of the cycle value, evaluated according to what is indicated in
the Garda South Cycling price list.
5 - The Customer assumes on himself any consequence and responsibility deriving, during the
period of use of the bicycle, from the violation of the C.d.S., deeds or facts that are criminally
relevant, from having made use of false documents; from driving under the influence of alcohol
or drugs. In these last two cases, the Driver has been informed of the fact that the insurance, in
the case of damage, will be able to claim against the driver himself.
6 - The customer as of now guarantees to pay, by simple request or upon presentation of the relevant justified documents, any contravention, toll, damage not reported and any other outlay was requested to Garda South Cycling related to the rented bicycle, if referring to the period of the rental itself, however, until the actual return of the bicycle to Garda South Cycling
7 - The Customer agrees to return the bicycle to Garda South Cycling by the date and time established
in the contract, In the hypothesis intends to extend the rental period is obliged to pass in place to
enter into a new contract.
8 - In the case of long journeys, the Customer undertakes to keep the tire pressures under
control, battery recharging and chain lubrication.
9 - the Customer gives consent to the use of their personal data acquired and which will be
acquired by the lessor or whoever for it, for each contact regarding the period of use of the
bicycle, pursuant to Law. n. 675/1996 and by T.U. read P.S. art 196 of the l.n. 773/1931.
10 - The Customer withdraws and will be responsible for the loss of the items indicated below of
the relative penalty that he subscribes and accepts to pay in cash in case of damage and / or
loss: € 20 lock / battery key, € 25 lock / cap, € 70 battery charger.