Bike rental terms & conditions
These Terms & Conditions apply to and are included into any contract for a biking holiday or rental equipment between Terra BikeTours (Terra Diversions, S.L.) and the client.
1- All bike rentals must be fully paid, before the start of the rental. No refunds are possible after the rental begins. Payment of reservation implies the acceptance of the rental conditions.
2- An inspection of the bike will be performed in your presence when the bike is handed over to you. Please make sure that any damages, scratches etc. are included in the bike inspection report.
3- The client becomes the person in charge of the rental material and is committed to return the material in the same condition, after the rental period. The client warrants that all persons who will use the equipment are competent to use it, and will use the equipment in the manner it was designed to be used, will follow any directions from Terra BikeTours relating safety and will comply with all laws in relation the use of equipment.
4- The client will not change or modify the equipment without Terra BikeTours agreement. Such changes or modification will be considered damage and clause 7 will apply. In case of handling or using the spare tube included with the rental, it will be have to be paid.
5- Delay in returning the material will imply the payment of the corresponding rate.
6- In the event of the bike being stolen or lost during the rental period, the participant authorises Terra BikeTours to charge his/her credit card with the original value of the item rented, listed in the “bikes and general component prices” appendix A of this contract. I confirm I have read appendix A.
7- In case of material damage, the damage will be valued by Terra BikeTours Mechanic and the corresponding amount will be charged.
8- In case of scratches or cosmetic damage: Please see appendix A for value of these damages.
9- As guarantee to execute these instalments in the unlikely event this is being necessary, the participant will leave Terra BikeTours his ID or passport number and a Credit card Preauthorisation for the amount of 400€ per bike.
This preauthorisation will be valid till the moment the rented material is returned in the same exact condition that was rented to the customer.
10- Terra BikeTours declines all responsibility on possible moral or material damages that can be suffered by the participants or other people before, during or after the activity using Terra BikeTours material.
11- The client become the person in charge of the damages that can occur to her/him self or cause to third party during the course of this activity in bicycle, leaving Terra BikeTours and all collaborators free of all responsibility.
12- In observance of the Organic law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, we communicate to you that your personal data will be included in a file owned by Terra Diversions S.L, In Valencia St. number 337, Barcelona 08009 in order to carry out the necessary actions for the correct performance of the service. You will be able to exercise the rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition, by sending a writing request directed to Terra Diversions, S.L. with address in: C/ Valencia 337, 08009 Barcelona.