This disclaimer is to be signed by the rider responsible for all those in this booking. You confirm that all party members are consenting and aware of the terms and conditions outlined on our website at on collection of the bike(s), and reads as follows…
I (the undersigned) wish to hire a bike(s) for the purposes of cycling. I am over the age of 18 years old and I am signing on behalf of those aged 18 years or under, and / or those aged 18 years or over to confirm the group is my responsibility. I have the authority of each participant to participate in the activity of cycling, and / or the authority of the parent / guardian of any rider who is under the age of 18 years old. All under 18 year olds must be accompanied by an adult when riding a bike at all times.
From here on the word ‘I’ will be seen to mean the undersigned and all those under your supervision as is determined by the number of bikes / riders confirmed by the booking.
I agree that cycle helmets will be worn at all times when on the hire bike(s) and / or in hire trailers provided. Riding without a helmet or misuse of any piece of equipment will result in confiscation without compensation.
I understand that cycling is a physically challenging activity and accept that there is a risk of serious injury or death in undertaking this activity to both myself and others. I accept that all participants will ride within their physical and technical limitations and that of the group. I accept that I will cycle within the remit of each hired bicycle(s) capabilities which are outlined by Biketreks Grizedale staff.
I certify that to the best of my knowledge I, and all participants associated with this booking, do not have any medical condition which might make myself or anyone more likely to sustain an injury. To the best of my knowledge I certify that I, or any participants are not pregnant. I confirm that I, or any participant is not under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs. I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own safety, and that of the participants with this booking, the safety of any possessions, and all property loaned to you by Biketreks Grizedale whilst undertaking this activity.
To reduce the risks I agree to follow all the instructions set out in the Forest Cycle Code along with all the instructions given to me by Biketreks Grizedale staff before undertaking any cycling. I understand and agree that if participating in guiding / coaching sessions that I do so entirely at my own risk. I have considered the nature of such sessions and agree to participate in a safe manner and to follow all reasonable instructions from the guide / coach.
I agree that I am liable for any costs incurred by myself and / or my group / company in respect to damage to the bike(s) and / or equipment hired by myself or my group / company, however so caused. In the unlikely event of an accident, loss or damage to my personal effects, I acknowledge that Biketreks Grizedale will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from, or in connection with this activity (except death or personal injury caused by Biketreks Grizedale’s negligence) and waive all and any claims against Biketreks Grizedale in this respect.
In signing this document I acknowledge that I agree to everything stated in the above disclaimer, and I take full responsibility for myself and take responsibility for any / all the participants under my supervision which is governed by the total number of riders associated with this booking.